Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Fear and Trembling at the Fairfield County State's Attorney's Office; Or Who's Got Another Crow

By now, the Fairfield County State's Attorney's office must know about this blog I started a little while ago. Time for another death threat:

The Fairfield County State's Attorney Jonathan Benedict calls up his Chief Inspector Frank Garr: "Frank, Berry's at it again. Let's see if we can't shut him down this time. It didn't work last time. But maybe he'll get the message this time. You got another crow?"

Frank Garr: What?! You know these things don't grow on trees. We were budgeted for only one crow this year, and we already used it. We don't issue death threats every day, you know, Not even every year. But this is an unusual situation. The guy can actually put two and two together."

Jonathan Benedict: "Got any ideas?"

Frank Garr: "I'll call the Pullman and Comley boys. They've got more money than the state of Connecticut. Maybe they can purchase a crow."

Frank Garr gets in touch with James T. Shearin (nicknamed Tim) at the Bridgeport office of the Pullman and Comley law firm: "Tim, you know Berry's started a blog now. Next time you decide to steal thousands of dollars of a client's property, I hope you'll think twice about it. And if you do steal the property, try not to leave an itemized list of it where it can be found. OK? But anyway, I'm not getting in touch with you once again for a tete-a-tete to try to fathom your motives. We've got a problem here. We've run out of crows. Not that we had that many to begin with."

James T. Shearin: "Sounds like your problem, Frank. But let me tell you again how much we appreciate the way Jonathan Benedict is taking most of the heat for the crime we committed. A stroke of genius on our part, if you ask me. Not that it was all that hard. You think we're dumb here, go talk to your boss about dumb."

Frank Garr: "Maybe one of these days. It's not exactly the sort of conversation you want to have with your boss. About the crow..."

James T. Shearin: "Yes, I almost forgot. I might be able to come up with one. We have contacts. Sometimes we have one for emergencies. I'll be back in touch."

Frank Garr: "A sparrow will do. We're getting desperate. See what you can do."

James T. Shearin: "10-4, Frank. One bird coming up for the bird brains."


Monday, July 14, 2008

The Film Michael Clayton and the Fairfield County Legal System

Many of you have probably seen the popular film Michael Clayton starring George Clooney. In this film, the attorney Michael Clayton (George Clooney) was targeted because he knew about criminal, scandalous doings at a large law firm through his friendship with one of the firm's top lawyers who had left it in disgust and on the point of madness from his involvement. I can't help but feel something like this character Michael Clooney. I know a lot about criminal, scandalous activity throughout the Fairfield County legal system, and have been exposing it over the past several tears. As in the film, individuals in the legal system have been targeting me with attempted entrapment, defamation, witness intimidation, and threats. In the film, Michael Clayton went to law-enforcement officials, who before long arrested the corporate attorneys who were committing the criminal activity and who were also a threat to him. In my case, however, it turns out the law-enforcement officials willingly became a part of the criminal activity. I wonder what Michael Clayton would have done if he had run into the situation I have.

The scale of the crimes is different in either case. In the Michael Clayton movie, the corporate law firm was covering up evidence of harmful, and in some cases deadly, consumer medical products (I forget the specifics). In my case, the attorneys James T. Shearin and Timothy A. Bishop at the corporate law firm Pullman and Comley stole about $6,000.00 of medical films of mine needed for an operation. Nonetheless, there is clear, incontrovertible evidence of criminal activity in either case. Michael Clayton is partly a morality tale about the effects of the truth and the intervention of law-enforcement to put a stop to crime.

In Fairfield County, however, the Fairfield County State's Attorney's office's response was to perpetuate and nurture crime, to join with the criminals in an extensive, long-running cover-up of the crime. Sounds like fantasy, but it's the state of affairs large numbers of citizens find themselves in these days not only in Fairfield County but around the U.S. Law-enforcement agencies, as well as other areas of government, have become both overt and surreptitious representatives of major commercial institutions to the detriment of human rights and rights of citizenship. The law-enforcement officials and other government officials and the corporate lawyers and their confederations in higher-level corporate positions think the concept of human rights and rights of citizenship (to be protected against theft, for instance) are quaint, antiquated concepts and values.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Criminal Cast

The following individuals are the primary criminals in the criminal activity and corruption I'll be relating in this blog known to me at this time. In this posting, I'll cite the crimes of each without giving the abundant, interrelated evidence in support of this. This evidence is documents, compelling circumstantial evidence, and actions of the named individuals. Evidence is covered in the course of the chapters of my book-in-progress; an annotated contents of this book with links to chapters is in the right column of this blog; or I will give the evidence to anyone interested if they contact me directly at henryberry@aol.com.

The primary criminals are:

James T. Shearin, partner of the Pullman and Comley law firm, currently head of the litigation department: Stole close to $6,000.00 of medical films of mine; lied that I had ever dropped off my films at the Bridgeport office of the Pullman and Comley law firm; made false statements to law-enforcement officials; tampered with evidence, witness tampering, forgery, perjury, and conspiracy with regard to these crimes to try to further cover-up the original crime of theft.

Jonathan Benedict, current Fairfield County State's Attorney, and one of the lead prosecutors in the Michael Skakel case: has knowledge of an illegal wiretap on my phone; cover-up of the illegal wiretap; in a civil case, a judge ruled that he has in effect admitted to my allegations of an illegal wiretap by his office and that he is involved in the cover-up of it after he refused to turn over documents relating to the illegal wiretap to me; involved with the criminal element in his office, the Pullman and Comley attorneys James T. Shearin and Timothy A. Bishop, and judge L. Scott Melville in cover-up of the theft of my films; complicit with the criminal element in his office of witness intimidation of me.

Timothy A. Bishop: former associate lawyer at the Pullman and Comley law firm, currently a principle in the Stratford, CT, law firm Bishop, Jackson, Kelly: involved with James T. Shearin in the theft of my medical films and the cover-up of it; more or less same crimes as listed above under James T. Shearin.

L. Scott Melville, former and now partly retired judge of the Bridgeport Superior Court: illegally misdirected court documents relating to contempt of court against Pullman and Comley attorneys James T. Shearin and Timothy A. Bishop (and also the Hartford lawyer Anita Varunes for submitting a perjurious affidavit) for forgery, witness tampering, tampering with evidence, perjury, and conspiracy relating to evidence of their theft and cover-up of it; by his misdirection of the court documents so that he would rule on them, covered-up his own illegal relationship with the others; presumed to have taken a bribe or some other recompense from the Pullman and Comley lawyers or law firm for his role in the cover-up.

At a hearing called by judge L. Scott Melville where he made a ruling which covered-up his own role in the attempt to cover-up the theft of my medical films by tampering with evidence, witness tampering, etc., I called the Pullman and Comley attorneys criminals; and when I did so, I waived my right to protection of statements from defamation made in a legal proceeding. When I did so, judge Melville said that if I was not careful, the Pullman and Comley attorneys I had called criminals would be suing me for everything I had. Well, of course the Pullman and Comley attorneys, knowing they were criminals, weren't about to sue me for defamation. But I thought I'd give judge Melville the opportunity to sue me.

Since the hearing I have been naming judge Melville as one of the criminals involved in the attempted cover-up and obstruction of justice regarding the theft of my medical films. In one fax sent to the general fax for judges at the Bridgeport Superior Court on Main Street, I addressed it to the Honorable Criminal L. Scott Melville. I've named him as a criminal in several news releases and other communications. After some investigation as to his role, I said in news releases that judge Melville was presumably bribed or received some "token of appreciation" from the Pullman and Comley attorneys for his role in protecting them from accountability. And of course, like the other criminals relating to the cover-up of the theft, judge Melville hasn't sued me for defamation.

Although the individuals named above haven't sued me for defamation or anything else although I have been naming them as criminals for the past few years, agents of their have engaged in various types of witness intimidation, including threatening, vandalism, and even a death threat.

(Note: In future postings, I'll be exploring the connections between the notorious Michael Skakel trial for the murder of his neighbor Martha Moxley when they were both teenagers in Greenwich and Jonathan Benedict and his Fairfield County State's Attorney's office's conception of the law and similarities of questionable and/or illegal activities in the two cases. Also, I'll be disclosing the effects of the criminal activity in the Fairfield County State's Attorney's office on Connecticut state politics and economic activity in Connecticut.)

Monday, July 7, 2008

The Law in Name Only

In commenting a while ago on one of the frequent cases of a Connecticut public official being convicted of crimes and sentenced to jail, the Fairfield County, Connecticut, Congressional representative Christopher Shays remarked, "They don't think they're going to get caught." But the criminal public officials and private attorneys I will be naming in this blog have a more cynical, imperious attitude that even this. These criminals don't even care if they get caught.

The criminal element in the Fairfield County State's Attorney's office and the Pullman and Comley law firm partly jointly and partly independently tried to cover up their crimes out of an awareness of the decency of the mass of ordinary people and their antipathy for criminals. But once the criminals did get caught because of their inherent remoteness from these norms of decency and respectable conduct and their stupidity, they didn't care that they caught. Their positions in the Connecticut legal system afforded them them means to engage others in a metastasizing cover-up and associated criminal activity including an illegal wiretap, witness intimidation, tampering with witnesses, and tampering with evidence. All of this is evident on the basis of incriminating documents, compelling circumstantial evidence, and demonstrable actions of the criminals. And yet the criminals in high-level positions of the Connecticut legal system continue to work within the system as if they have not demonstrated themselves to be hardened, repetitive, flagrant criminals. And they continue to be widely accepted within the legal system as if they are not criminals who have evidenced massive abuse of the system.

In another posting coming soon, I will be giving the broad outlines of the intertwined criminal activity of the Fairfield County State's Attorney's office and the Pullman and Comley law firm; and also identifying the criminals known at this time from evidence I have and what I have witnessed and experienced. In addition to reports and exposes intended to alert Connecticut citizens of serious criminal activity occurring in their legal system which coincidentally reflect a cynical, hostile mindset and related activities among many parts of government and professional circles around the United States, I will be proffering ideas and measures citizens can take to resist this criminal activity. The blog, too, will comment on media reports and information from other sources about activities by organizations and individuals in Connecticut having a bearing on its main concern of the criminal activity I have touched on above.

About Me

For over 20 years, I've been active in the field of finding, evaluating, purchasing, researching, and marketing notable ephemera of historical, cultural, literary, and biographical interest. My interest in and knowledge of ephemera grew out of my many years of self-employed in the interrelated fields of publishing and writing. I have done work as a ghostwriter, book reviewer, freelance editor, writer, publicist, creative writing teacher, publisher, literary agent, and consultant for authors and small, entrepreneurial publishers. In the 1980s, I did a monthly news and marketing column for the newsletter of the small-press association COSMEP. I have degrees in philosophy and English from Fairfield University and Georgetown University.